
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Compiling luabind with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

luabind is a very helpful library for integrating Lua and C++ which is a part of boost library. unfortunately like as boost there aren't any percompilied binary on the luabind site and you must compile it. but if you try compile luabind with MSVC 2010 and bjam you got some errors for fixing them simply find following line:

std::pair(mem, 0);
and replace with this one
std::pair(mem, ( void*)0);
and find this line:
std::pair(0, -1);
and replace to this one
std::pair(( void*)0, -1);

also you can get Lua and luabind binaries from Here

and some useful Lua tutorials:

  • Quick introduction to luabind
  • Deriving in Lua
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